Admit it WonderWoman, life is so not a cakewalk for us! Somewhere between fantasizing about a vacation with delicious lemon tarts, mesmerizing sangrias, and sunsets or just putting your feet up to sip a coffee, there’s the whole endless list of the "to-do's" which never seem to give us a breather. Yes, our very own MEE TIME, something we all dream of, but which has apparently & silently, got crumpled under the burden of the hurrying and scurrying; and the disorderly haste and mundane routine we are all caught into! (Did I forget anything on the grocery list?)
Mee time is all we crave for! A little time to do what our heart desires away from the hustle and bustle of reality! To be transported away to another land to explore new places, cultures and cuisines .A slice of heaven on earth!
Yet we are not able to carve it for ourselves!
That’s why at Mee Time Handcrafted Holidays we get all our lovely, free-spirited selves together to do just that – to ooh and aah and ogle and haggle without anyone looking over our shoulder☺! This is our time! The time to be our own glorious, confusing selves unapologetically! After all, if Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus!
At Mee Time we handcraft some offbeat travel experience of the woman, by the woman, for the woman! For each destination, we handpick according to " what women want "; relax and unwind in exclusive hotels, cafes, and clubs that have a local flavor. If you like spas, massage therapy or go for retail therapy, you can shop till you drop! Active holidays for those who want to trek, cycle and explore. Our Mascrots ( Mee Time Escort)s or local experts accompany you everywhere to make this experience hassle-free and seamless for you. To top it all we bring together a bunch of likeminded companions for you to travel with. Don’t worry if your BFF had an emergency and had to cancel, you can still travel to your dream place safely and discover new friends with Mee Time!
Who do we share all our happiness and giggles with? Who do we say ‘Cheers’ to at that Chianti vineyard? And who, pray to tell me, will let us take all those million Happy Selfies !!
Mee Time Handcrafted Holidays!